With our WebApps, we like to open up an innovative access path to the data and analyses of MAGIC.
The insecticide classification calculator (ICC) is an online tool for the classification of water-phase and sediment field concentrations of 24 insecticide compounds based on global surface exposure data.
The ICC-US is an online tool for classifying U.S. surface water concentrations of 32 insecticides and their degradates based on exposure data published in the peer-reviewed literature (1962 – 2017).
The S-WFD-V is a collection of supplementary data visualizations based on Water Framework Directive monitoring data (2001 – 2015) for 352 organic contaminants.
The page contains all presentation materials from participants of the MAGIC working group that were presented at the 40th North-American SETAC conference in Toronto 2019.
Supplementary data for the manuscript "Aquatic pesticide exposure in the U.S. as a result of non-agricultural uses" submitted to Environment International by Sebastian Stehle, Abigail Bline, Sascha Bub, Lara L. Petschick, Jakob Wolfram, and Ralf Schulz can be found below.
The IRD-US is an online tool detailing the effect of various spatio-temporal factors (risk drivers) that affect insecticide risks in U.S. surface waters, which were deduced via comprehensive literature synthesis.
Mapping service accompanying the publication “Insecticide Risk in US Surface Waters: Drivers and Spatiotemporal Modeling”.
Database for PNAS article: Sebastian Stehle and Ralf Schulz (2015) Agricultural Insecticides Threaten Surface Waters at the Global Scale (PNAS Early Edition)